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Fields 1-10


Fields 11-14


Fields 15-17




From New York City: 

Take Interstate 80 West to Pennsylvania Boarder.  Follow field map directions to individual fields.


From Philadelphia: 

Take Pennsylvania Turnpike to Route 22 East.  Take Route 22 East to Route 33 North.  Route 33 North merges with Interstate 80 in Stroudsburg. Note: fields 1-10 are located 5 miles before the merger with 209 North and Route 80 at the town of Snydersville - see local map for details.  Follow field map and directions to individual fields.


From Western PA: 

Take Interstate 80 East and follow field maps to individual fields


From Albany:

Take the New York Thruway 87 South to Interstate 287 South to New Jersey.  Follow 287 South in New Jersey to Interstate 80 West.  Take Interstate 80 West to Pennsylvania Boarder.  Follow field map directions to individual fields.


From New Jersey: 

Take Interstate 80 West to Pennsylvania Boarder.  Follow field map directions to individual fields.