Pocono Cup Soccer TournamentRules & Regulations |
Laws of the Game | Eligibility | Substitutions | Games & Procedures Scoring | Conduct | Playoffs | Protests & Forfeits Inclement Weather | Player Injuries | Tournament Committee Laws of the Game:
All games shall be played in accordance with FIFA laws except as specifically modified be these rules.
Participation in the Tournament is open to accepted teams consisting of (18) or fewer players meeting the age limit of the specified division. Each team must be registered with a National Soccer Association affiliated with U.S.Y.S.A./U.S.S.F. and must present a valid state or provincial roster. Players who do not represent valid player passes will not be eligible to play. Any team fielding an ineligible player will be disqualified and its tournament fee will be forfeited. All player passes will be proofed upon registration and must be available at all scheduled game sites.
A. Substitutions without limit may be made at the following times with permission of the referee: * either teams goal kick * your possession throw in * after a goal is scored * half-time or start of overtime periods
B. Limited substitutions may be made for an injury with the referees permission. In case of stoppage of play for an injury, teams may substitute on an one - for - one basis for the injured player. Game clock will continue to run unless injury time has gone beyond an acceptable period. Referee has discretion on time extension.
Games & Procedures:
A. Players wearing a metal / plastic casts or brace of any kind shall not be eligible to participate in tournament games. (knee braces are permitted) All players are required to wear F.I.F.A. approved protective shin guards during competition.
B. Teams are required to carry two sets of uniforms. When uniform colors are similar, a "sportsmanship code is excepted. The opposing coaches and field marshal must meet fifteen (15) minutes prior to the start of the game to determine a solution. If a solution is unreachable, the field marshal will flip a coin to decide which team will change.
C. Each coach will provide a lines-person as requested be the referee, if not provided by the tournament.
D. Game schedules will be decided by a blind draw and mailed to the head coach or team contact two weeks prior to competition. If possible, teams from the same club/association (only) will not be scheduled to compete in preliminary rounds. Semi-Final scheduling is determined by the number of teams and groups and will be posted in the Tournament Headquarters.
E. All preliminary and playoffs games are scheduled for 25 minutes halves. There will be no overtime or penalty kicks in any preliminary matches.
F. Unless your scheduled field is not in use, warm-ups are not permitted on the field prior to the start of the game. Please use adjacent field space. Teams must be prepared to play immediately following the previous game that has ended.
G. The is no designated home or away team. Opposing teams and their spectators must be on opposite sides of the field where space is available. If teams cannot find a resolution to sideline possession, a Tournament Official will make the decision in the best interest of sportsmanship.
A. Field marshals are responsible to see that game report forms are properly completed and submitted to tournament headquarters. Coaches are responsible for confirming game results at scoring centers.
B. Scoring is based on a point system. WIN = 2 POINTS TIE = 1 POINT LOSS = 0 POINTS
C. Tie breakers for Semi-Finalist: 1st - Head to Head Competition (if there are more than three teams involved, go to 2nd tie breaker) 2nd - Goals Against (max of 3) 3rd - Goals Differential (max of 3) 4th - Goals For (max of 3) 5th - Penalty Kicks
A. Players, coaches and spectators are expected to conduct themselves within the spirit of the law.
B. Coaches are solely responsible for the conduct and behavior of their spectators and players. Tournament Officials do not discuss issues with spectators or players. Coaches and Tournament Officials are the only point of communication on questionable tournament issues. Severe misconduct will result in players, spectators or whole teams being asked to leave without the entry fee and hotel refunds.
A. At the end of all preliminary matches, coaches must confirm playoff advancement at the Tournament Headquarters or with a Tournament Official.
B. Playoffs must have a result. If a tie at the end of regulation occurs, two (2) periods of five (5) minute overtime is played with NO sudden death. If a tie at the end of overtime occurs, five (5) penalty kicks per team are played. If a tie at the end of penalty kicks occurs, sudden death penalty kicks will be played. Only players on the field at the end of overtime are permitted to take the penalty kicks.
Protests & Forfeits:
All games will be played without protest. A forfeited game will be declared with a (3-0) score. In no case will a team that has forfeited be able to advance to the playoffs.
Inclement Weather:
A. If inclement weather occurs, the Tournament Committee will advise field marshals, referees and coaches of the action to be taken. It is the intention to play all tournament games as scheduled.
B. The Tournament Committee has the authority to rule under poor conditions as follows: * relocate/reschedule any game * stop/change duration of play * cancel future games
Any serious player injury must be handled by a coach/manager. Field marshal will notify trainer, tournament headquarters and/or local authorities as appropriate.
Tournament Committee:
A. The Tournament Committee will be responsible for team acceptance, tournament format, game scheduling and assignment of referees.
B. The Tournament Committee will not be responsible for any expenses incurred by any team if the tournament is canceled in whole or in part.
C. The Tournament Committee will assign field marshals and trainers at field sites with radio and cell phone communication to tournament headquarters.
D. The Tournament Committee will keep all game scores at tournament headquarters with updated standings as available.
E. The Tournament Committee reserves the right to decide on all maters pertaining to the tournament.
F. The Tournament Committee consists of the following: * Vince Mugavero - Tournament Director * Mike Mugavero - Assistant Tournament Director * Matt Mugavero - Assistant Tournament Director * Pete Csongrady - Referee Assignor * John Houth - Health Director